2007年8月2日 星期四

i need some fortune

i'm not in a good mood recently.
on the last days, the situation that waiting-list for n.c.t.u admission is not optimistic more
and more.
i can't accept any comforts. i'm already waiting for a long time after march.
don't think about any more~~~! it is very difficult for me.
from heaven to hell feeling, just like this. i hate "站著茅坑不拉屎的人"
now i can only hope,perhaps remain the miracle.
don't ask any about the event,Please. And i'm fine.

2 則留言:

Macodo Lau 提到...

I am sorry heard about the bad news for you ~ I want to say something to
comfort you,but you say "No"~It's ok~
we will support you on spirit!!
Don't give up~

匿名 提到...

Dear Wu Cheng

We will always be there wz you. Don't give up and don't be sad.

Every suffering is the best arrangement for our life. You should remember this and BE STRONGER. I believe you can overcome it.

Good luck^^